Selected Alpine huts Suitable for those with allergies in Möll Valley

5/5 (2 Reviews)
Die "Sonnenalm" befindet sich im Kärntner Mölltal auf 1860 m Höhe - in der Nähe von Heiligenblut, dem Mölltaler Gletscher und an der Grenze zu Lien...
2 Bedroom(s)
max. 2 guests
70 m²
No Pets Allowed
Smoke Free
TV available
+1 More

from €1,265.-

2 guests / 7 Nights

Highly rated accommodations in Möll Valley

Average 4.5+ Ratings

We believe in delivering the best holiday experience and our guests agree with us.

Suitable for those with allergies in Möll Valley

Our ideas for your dream holiday in Möll Valley

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