Selected Holiday apartment in Gdinj

Apartment can accommodate 5 guests. Beds are situated in 2 sleeping rooms, within 31m2. Guests can enjoy a sea view from the private terrace.
1 Bathroom(s)
2 Bedroom(s)
max. 5 guests
31 m²
Smoking Allowed

from €844.20

2 guests / 7 Nights
Apartment can accommodate 8 guests. Beds are situated in 3 sleeping rooms, within 59m2. Guests can enjoy a sea view from the private terrace.
2 Bathroom(s)
3 Bedroom(s)
max. 8 guests
59 m²
Smoking Allowed

from €1,159.19

2 guests / 7 Nights
Apartment can accommodate 9 guests. Beds are situated in 3 sleeping rooms, within 66m2. Guests can enjoy a sea view from the private terrace.
2 Bathroom(s)
3 Bedroom(s)
max. 9 guests
66 m²
No indication for smoking
No information on pets and dogs

from €675.36

2 guests / 7 Nights
Apartment can accommodate 5 guests. Beds are situated in 3 sleeping rooms, within 42m2. Guests can use a private terrace to enjoy the warm summer evenings.
1 Bathroom(s)
3 Bedroom(s)
max. 5 guests
42 m²
Smoking Allowed

from €686.70

2 guests / 7 Nights
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